Mac上搭建直播服务器 Nginx+rtmp
Nginx 是非常优秀的开源服务器,用它来做hls或者rtmp流媒体服务器是非常不错的选择,
增加对 nginx 的扩展;也就是从github上下载,home-brew对ngixn的扩展
$ brew tap denji/nginx
注意: brew tap homebrew/nginx
报下面的错误, 使用brew tap denji/nginx
homebrew/nginx was deprecated. This tap is now empty as all its formulae were migrated.
$ brew install nginx-full --with-rtmp-module
$ brew info nginx-full
--HEAD Install HEAD version ==> Caveats Docroot is: /usr/local/var/www The default port has been set in /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf to 8080 so that nginx can run without sudo. nginx will load all files in /usr/local/etc/nginx/servers/. - Tips - Run port 80: $ sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/opt/nginx-full/bin/nginx $ sudo chmod u+s /usr/local/opt/nginx-full/bin/nginx Reload config: $ nginx -s reload ## 重新加载配置文件Reopen Logfile: $ nginx -s reopen ## 再次打开配置文件Stop process: $ nginx -s stop ## 停止服务器Waiting on exit process $ nginx -s quit ## 退出服务器To have launchd start denji/nginx/nginx-full now and restart at login: brew services start denji/nginx/nginx-full Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run: nginx
nginx安装所在位置 /usr/local/opt/nginx-full/bin/nginx
nginx配置文件所在位置 /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
nginx服务器根目录所在位置 /usr/local/var/www
$ nginx
出现Welcome to nginx ,代表nginx安装成功了。
打开配置文件 /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
http { …… }#在http节点下面(也就是文件的尾部)加上rtmp配置:rtmp { server { listen 1935; application abcs { live on; record off; } } }
rtmp 是协议名称
server 说明内部中是服务器相关配置
listen 监听的端口号, rtmp协议的默认端口号是1935
application 访问的应用路径是 abcs
live on; 开启实时
record off; 不记录数据
$ nginx -s reload
$ brew install ffmpeg
安装这个需要等一段时间, 这时你可以准备一个视频文件作为来推流,然后安装一个支持rtmp协议的视频播放器.Mac下可以用 VLC
ffmpeg -re -i [你的视频文件的绝对路径] -vcodec copy -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/abcs/room // 如:ffmpeg -re -i /Users/caolongjian/Desktop/CCVideo.mp4 -vcodec copy -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/abcs/room
然后电脑上打开vlc这个播放器软件 点击File---->Open Network 在弹出来的框中选择Network然后输入URL: